Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Certainty vs Uncertainty

Certainty is a comfortable mindset. It puts us in control of our world and makes us feel that we have life figured out. On the other hand, uncertainty can be uncomfortable. It is fertile ground for anxiety and tension. Given the two antithetical mindsets, one allowing for an easier state of existence, then why is it that I have become increasingly skeptical of certainty in most facets of my life? Why do I feel more comfortable in uncertainty than the safe confines of certainty?

1 comment:

Sally said...

Here's my conjecturing:
I think you felt the ground shake so much under what you thought was a solid foundation (what you were most certain of), that you had to come to grips with the fact of uncertainty. And because dealing with that again is so unsettling, maybe you've decided that the only certainty is uncertainty. If you make uncertainty a fact, nothing can shake you again. So uncertainty becomes the most comfortable, safest ground for you, because at least you are ready for the shake up.